*In no particular order some of my favourite music moments. No41 Sell Me A Lemon by Ming City Rockers. Bang up to date with this one – at least by my standards. I was turned on to Ming City Rockers by none other than Walter Lure – last man standing of New York’s Heartbreakers. Walter said he’d never heard such […]
Steve Albini
3 posts
In the annals of Indie rock, David Gedge is one of the last great survivors. While other great hopes and next big things crash and burn under the weight of major label pressure, or drug-fuelled excess, Gedge ploughs on, steering a singular, uncompromising course through the minefield of music biz pomposity.
I got a sneak preview of the new @Iggypop album 'Post PopDepression' with Josh Homme - here's my review