Artistic, intelligent and with more musical ideas than should probably legally allowed on one album, Psycho Social Sexual should keep you coming back for more.
Peter Gabriel
3 posts
When I was about nine or 10 and just starting to take a serious interest in music, my elder brother, in a rare show of fraternal indulgence, took it upon himself to introduce me to the delights of indie synth-pop. To my great surprise and eternal gratitude he presented me with a cassette tape (ask your parents kids!). On […]
Frank Turner and The Sleeping Souls drummer Nigel Powell is moving centre stage to tour the latest album by his Sad Song Co. solo project. Multi-instrumentalist Powell, who’s also sticksman with Oxford’s Dive Dive, will be showcasing SSC’s upcoming album in amber. Recorded in just five days, with the aid of Radiohead engineer Graeme Stuart and producer George Shilling of My Bloody Valentine fame, in […]