Indie & Alternative Music Blogging Site

GREAT MOMENTS IN MUSIC – No30 – Feed Me With Your Kiss By My Bloody Valentine

In no particular order some of my favourite music moments. No30 Feed Me With Your Kiss By My Bloody Valentine.

I’m probably asking for trouble here, but I’ve always felt My Bloody Valentine were a bit overrated.


I could never quite understand why they were so feted by the music press and why Kevin Shields was regarded as such a genius.

Don’t get me wrong, I was as intrigued as everyone else when they returned with mbv in 2013 – 22 years after their previous studio album.


However, I thought the record itself was largely underwhelming, sounding murky and over-produced.


So why feature them on Great Moments In Music?


Well, when they get it right – as on most of Loveless and, in particular, its predecessor Isn’t Anything – there’s almost no-one out there to touch them.


Feed Me With Your Kiss features on the latter album and, though it’s run close by Soon, I think it’s the best thing they’ve ever done.


Turn on, tune in and gaze at those shoes.


*Got a Great Musical Moment you’d like to share? Send me your suggestion via the contact form and if I like it, I’ll feature it and give you a mention. Looking forward to hearing from you.
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