Indie & Alternative Music Blogging Site

GREAT MOMENTS IN MUSIC – No 39 – Horrorshow by Scars

*In no particular order some of my favourite music moments. No39 Horrorshow by Scars.

Edinburgh’s Scars had everything – a charismatic frontman, talented musicians, a great image and best of all wonderful songs.

So why the short-lived quartet didn’t have more success and are not better known today is something of a mystery.

I only became aware of them relatively recently after stumbling across a trailer for the documentary Big Gold Dream on YouTube.

Sub-titled Scottish Post-punk DIY and Infiltrating the Mainstream the story tells of the story of the indie labels Postcard (home of Orange Juice and Aztec Camera) and Fast Product which signed Scars.

After hearing just a few songs I was hooked and quickly checked out their one and only album 1981’s Author! Author!.

But for me, Horrorshow – heavily influenced by the Nadsat slang of Anthony Burgess’ novel A Clockwork Orange – is their masterpiece.

Singer Robert King spits out his vocals over the bizarre rumbling bass of John Mackie and Paul Research‘s inspired bending single note – which no lesser source than Paul himself has informed me is an E – lead guitar line.

Even now it’s totally original, like a soundtrack to some nightmarish vision of the future. When first released in 1979 it must have sounded like nothing on Earth.

In 2010 the band reformed for a one off show in their home town (see below). We can only hope they decide to play more shows in the future.

*Got a Great Musical Moment you’d like to share? Send me your suggestion via the contact form and if I like it, I’ll feature it and give you a mention. Looking forward to hearing from you.

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