"While tackling familiar lyrical preoccupations, feels more experimental in terms of instrumentation and tone."
The whole thing sounds like the soundtrack to a groovy ‘60s movie that never was, eastern and psychedelic melodies jostling for space in the reverberating rhythms.
Compass sees the Ummagma duo extending their range across multiple genres and influences to make a record which sounds both otherworldly and yet curiously familiar.
Standout track Psycho Erotic sees the duo at their most wanton, Snaith's bestial guitars like a wolf pawing at the floor, while Bach purrs "He gets me all fired up, and hot and hot!". Blimey, pass the smelling salts!
Yes you always know exactly what you're gonna get from the Sheffield crooner....SCREEEAW!! BALAAM!! DANANGANANG!! er, hang on a minute.... have I put on a Godfathers record by mistake?
The vitriol has been dialled back a notch and some of the rougher edges sanded down, in what feels like a band discovering their own sound.